Muskegon, MI – October 21, 2013 – Reid Supply Company, a provider of industrial products for manufacturers and businesses, recently announced the addition of 97 new inventory items to its selection of clamps and clamp accessories. The new inventory spans across many categories, including latch plates, hook assemblies, flanged washers, spindle assemblies, hold-down clamps, pull-action latch clamps, and straight-line action clamps.
Latch Plates
Reid Supply has added two new latch plates to its stock, both of which are of the right-angle pull, two hole type and constructed from stainless steel. These clamp accessories are designed for use with clamp numbers TC-334-SS and TC-324-SS.
Hook Assemblies
Four new hook assemblies were introduced, including J-hook and U-hook types. Made from steel and stainless steel, the new hook assemblies are available for different clamp numbers and supplement a previously existing stock of 16 products.
Flanged Washers
The flanged washer inventory at Reid Supply grew from 10 to 12 with the introduction of the TC-215905 and the TC-105906, compatible with ¼ inch and #8 spindle diameters, respectively and made from stainless steel.
Spindle Assemblies
Reid Supply added four new products to its stock of spindle assemblies which now consists of 80 different items. Each of the new additions has a hex head and is made either from steel or stainless steel. Thread lengths range from 1.77 inches to 4.72 inches.
Hold-Down Clamps
The hold-down clamp inventory saw the largest amount of growth with the addition of 57 new products. With 242 products now in stock, Reid Supply offers clamps of all types, ranging from horizontal clamp-down clamps to pull down hold-down clamps. The holding capacities of the new products also range widely, from 56 lbs. to 211 lbs.
Pull-Action Latch Clamps
With seven new products in its pull-action latch clamp inventory, Reid Supply now offers products capable of holding anywhere from 200 lbs. to 7,500 lbs. The newest additions come in both adjustable u-bolt and j-hook types.
Straight-Line Action Clamps
Twenty-one new products were added in this area, in both 45 degree and horizontal handle orientations, with either straight, tee, or tee with locking release lever handle types. Each product is manufactured from steel or stainless steel and ranges from 1.03 inches to 1.86 inches in overall width.
For more information about the new products now available through Reid Supply Company, visit www.reidsupply.com or call 800-253-0421, toll free.
De sta co latch, Flange bearings, Industrial handles, Southco rivets, Destaco, Sleeve bearings.