Musical Theater Basics Resources for Set and Costume Design – 1776 The Musical

Learn to sew and understand the history of color, and also working with various material. Others gain this knowledge in the field of design through the formal curriculum, in the graduate or undergraduate stage. Certain costume designers make the costumes for themselves. Others, specifically those who work in larger theaters, usually depend on jewelry designers who can help bring their designs to life. Costume designers often work as contractors who are employed for one show.
Interior Designer

Interior designers are crucial sources for costume and set design. Designers are vital to the production of the play and also the stage’s aesthetic. The interior designer is responsible for how the stage will appear on theater, which includes massive or abstract pieces of scenic design including furniture, signage and arrangements for flowers, in collaboration with the other designers as well as the director. Interior designers often communicate their ideas using either computer-drawing tools or drawings made by hand by sign-shops. Many of them are scale model makers and are familiar with welding as well as carpentry. The majority of people working as interior designers are hired as contractors who are independent on an interior design source basis.


Time is among the primary sources for set and costume designs in the majority of shows. In the historical play it is possible to show time as only a specific era such as the 1880s. Others depict a current or contemporary perspective of time. Certain plays are set to a certain time which must be presented to the public. It could be seasonal as well as weekly, daily, or hourly. A more general use of time includes the use of near future.

The duration of the play can affect the duration of the play. Realistic performances may cause this since it is possible that the time on stage will be similar to real-time at the theatre. Flashbacks and flashforwards are all elements of the theatre experience.
